Martin OMC 15-E Guitar - Review and Demo
I recently got hold of a fantastic Martin OMC 15-E Series Guitar for this video demo. In this video I compare it with my trusty Taylor Academy Series 10E to highlight how the guitar actually sounds. If you want to skip ahead, I demonstrate in a few different styles at various points in the video:
2:41 - Acoustic Strumming, open chords
3:31 - Acoustic Fingerpicking, open chords
4:06 - Power chords & Open Chords played with an aggressive attack
4:43 - Fingerpicking Folk Style with muted bass notes (Foy Vance - Homebird)
5:33 - Fingerpicking Folk Style (Jake Bugg - Someone Told Me)
6:00 - Acoustic Blues
7:07 - Acoustic R&B Chords
7:55 - Single Note Lines ( E major Scale)